8 tips for cyber safety
1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited
2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On
3. Practice Safe Browsing
4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure. Use a Secure VPN Connection
5. Be Careful What You Download
6. Choose Strong Passwords
7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites
8. Be Careful What You Post
Resist The Urge To Respond Or Retaliate
Document The Bullying
Get Help
Block The Bully
Keep Passwords Secret
Be A Teammate
Approach The Parents
Support Your Child With A Stress-Free, Supportive Home
Yes they come from the hemp plant
C code for half()
void half(float *pv);
int main()
float value=5.0; //value is initialized
printf ("Value before half: %4.1f\n", value); // Prints 5.0
half(&value); // the function call takes the address of the variable.
printf("Value after half: %4.1f\n", value); // Prints 2.5
void half(float *pv) //In function definition pointer pv will hold the address of variable passed.
*pv=*pv/2; //pointer value is accessed through * operator.
- This method is called call-by-reference method.
- Here when we call a function, we pass the address of the variable instead of passing the value of the variable.
- The address of “value” is passed from the “half” function within main(), then in called “half” function we store the address in float pointer ‘pv.’ Now inside the half(), we can manipulate the value pointed by pointer ‘pv’. That will reflect in the main().
- Inside half() we write *pv=*pv/2, which means the value of variable pointed by ‘pv’ will be the half of its value, so after returning from half function value of variable “value” inside main will be 2.5.
Output is given as image.
if (x > 7 && Math.sqrt(x) < 3)
The previous condition checks if the square root of x is less than 3, but this would raise an error if x is a value equal to or less than 0.
So, the condition checks for the value of x before evaluating the square root after the AND operation to prevent an arithmetic exception.
A "for loop" is something used for repeating things over a list of items. For instance, a list or a dictionary.
colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]
for x in colors:
A "while loop" is is something used for carrying out a set of lines that are true.
n = 1
while i < 4:
n += 1
Real-Life Example:
A real-life example would if I was a manager or boss for a company say that everyone was off a certain day. Like, if I said everyone was off for Christmas the 25th. If I had 1000 employees that would take a very long time to send an email to everyone. Instead of sending an email to everyone I can program code that uses "for loops" and "while loops" to create a message and send it to everyone.
Hope This Helped! Good Luck!