My dearest wife,
I've been through hell and lived to tell the tale. I cannot wait to crawl back into your arms, having witnessed this... massacre...friends dying left and right, brothers screaming for help...but only the roar of the guns was heard.
It's been the largest number of casualties I've even seen in my life...and oh God... I hope no one ever sees hell like this again.
We, the Union, have somehow defeated general Lee, and stopped the invasion.
I hope to see you soon,
Yours forever, Erik
Answer: B
European states entered into military alliances with each other that forced them to come to their allies’ aid in the event of conflict with a nonallied state.
i j did le quiz
There were several different factors that allowed for the persecution and extermination of minority groups. For example: Hitlers feelings about these groups were expressed in the book he wrote and his speeches to the German people. Since he had absolute control over the government and military, he could have individuals he didn't like killed at any time he would like. Also keep in mind economic problems were the Jewish people. These posters and speeches were spread so often that people started to believe them. This allowed for the extermination and persecution of individuals in Germany, as average citizens saw nothing wrong with getting rid of these people who were causing the problems.
It ended by a draw on the battle field, with a peace treaty aswell.
because he took what he new about the old world music he grew up to and added a special twist that provided his audience with a thrill to remember his music was strong and striking and at the same time being soft and gently all in one song his music was so full of contradictions it in itself was a contradiction