From top to bottom:
4, 9, 1, 6, 8, 2, 7, 3, 5.
1:He does not realize that she has figured out who he really is.
2:take your time princess came an unworthy reply
Answer: 2 and 5
Explanation: Part 1 is only a description of the action, and parts 3 and 4 introduce details from the character's past that enrich the narrative, but don't build anticipation. Part 2 introduces some anticipation in the last words "...he lay perfectly quiet and listened," which evokes in the reader a feeling of expectation for a relevant piece of auditory information. Part 5 has an even more intense effect, concentrated in the words "...he might never know again," which project an ominous feeling that events are about to unfold in the character's life.