La vendeuse: Bonjour. <u>Je peux vous aider</u>?
La cliente: Bonjour. Je cherche <u>un pantalon</u>.
La vendeuse: <u>Quelle taille faites vous</u>?
La cliente: Moyenne, s'il vous plait?
La vendeuse: Voila. Voulez- vous l'essayer?
La cliente: <u>Oui, s'il vous plait.</u>
La vendeuse: Goodmorning. <u>Can I help you?</u>
La cliente: Goodmorning. I am looking for/seeking <u>trousers.</u>
La vendeuse: <u>How tall are you?</u>
La cliente: Average, please?
La vendeuse: Here it is. Do you want to try it?
La cliente: <u>Yes please.</u>
I know it's late but hope it helped :)
Here is the answer. When you print it out cut off the sides.
How are we supposed to answer this questions if you don't provide the text and the table we have to fill in???
Amélie <u>sait</u> très bien chanter!