Los países comenzaron a recuperarse progresivamente a mediados de la década de 1930, pero sus efectos negativos en muchas zonas duraron hasta el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.6 La elección de Franklin D. Roosevelt como presidente y el establecimiento del New Deal en 1932, marcó el inicio del final de la Gran Depresión en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en Alemania, la desaparición de la financiación exterior a principios de la década de 1930 y el aumento de las dificultades económicas, propiciaron la aparición del nacional-socialismo y la llegada de Adolf Hitler al poder que, posteriormente, daría inicio a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Answer:Differences between the ancient Greeks and ancient Romans.
Art: The Greeks wanted perfection in their depiction of people. The Romans want real life people. The Greeks statues were of perfect people. The Romans statues contained all the flaws of real people.
Expansion: The Greeks colonized. They established some colonies on the coastline around the Mediterranean Sea. The Romans conquered and ruled all over the Mediterranean.
Connection: The Romans built roads that connected their empire to Rome. The Greeks built roads to connect two specific cities.
Government: The Romans created an empire that lasted 500 years. The Greek civilization was a collection of city-states, and were not united under one central government until they were conquered by Alexander the Great. Even then, Alexander allowed all the conquered Greek city-states to rule their own state, provided they were loyal to Alexander.
Women: In Ancient Greece women had no rights. They were property. In Rome, when ruled by kings, and then under the Republic, women were not property, but they had no rights. During the Empire, Roman women had quite a few rights, but were still not citizens.
Cowboys in the 1820s and 1830s begins the first cattle drives. When Anglo Americans came in the 1820s and 1830s, ranching practices were well established. Cowboys were called vaqueros after the Spanish word vaca for “cow.” They herded cattle into Corrales or corrals.
By the early 1700s, cattle ranching had spread north into what is now Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico and south to Argentina. The native cowboys were called vaqueros(from the Spanish word for cow) and developed roping skills, using braided rawhide reatas (the root word for lariat).
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Rather than seeing unbalanced government budgets as wrong, Keynes advocated so-called countercyclical fiscal policies that act against the direction of the business cycle. ... Monetary policy could also be used to stimulate the economy—for example, by reducing interest rates to encourage investment.