Yes. American cuisine, in my opinion, is the most popular cuisine in the entire world. There are so many restaurants and chefs that are all from America and had made american cuisine familiar with the world. Restaurant such as T.G.I Fridays or Texas Roadhouse are popular ones that are all over the world which, indeed have american cuisine, and even fast food places such as Mcdonalds or KFC have all originated from the US.
Well let me explain this to you in a better way. The terms 'subprogram', 'function' and 'method' have all the same meaning in C/C++ but we usually called them functions, and we divide the functions into two types :
1)Function : it's the usual one, as we all know, it returns a value.
2) General format :
Type function_name(<arguments>){
// Your work
return <value/variable> //Note : the type must be the same as the function
// type.
Example :
int Maheen(int a, int b){
int c = a + b;
return c;
Procedure : it's a function but it doesn't return any value, it begins with 'void'.
General format :
void function_name(<arguments>){
// Your work
//Note : There is no return here.
Example :
void Maheen(int a, int b){
int c = a + b;
printf("The sum is : %d", c);
I think this can help you greatly
para los pueblos indigenas, el idioma no solo es un marcador de identidad y pertenencia al grupo , sino tambien el vehiculo de sus valores eticos.
la situacion de las lenguas indigenas es un reflejo de la de sus hablantes.En muchas parted del mundo , estan al borde de la extincion.
espero que ayude