The Europeans weren’t going to conquer Africa before they realize they needed able bodies to do labor, Such as cotton Pickin and cutting sugar cane......
So it wasn’t necessarily a thought in their head before then .
It was the invention of the Printing Press that Johann Gutenberg introduced to Europe in the 1450s, which revolutionized the way in which books, and subsequently knowledge, were spread.
- A government is a group of people that have the power to lie freely without punishment and rule in a territory, according to the law. This territory may be a country, a state or province within a country, or a region.
- Governments make laws, rules, and regulations, collect taxes and print money.
- Governments have systems of justice that list the acts or activities that are against the law and describe the punishments for breaking the law.
- Governments have a police force to make sure people follow the laws.
- Governments have diplomats who communicate with the governments of other countries by having meetings. Diplomats try to solve problems or disagreements between two countries, which can help countries to avoid war, make commercial agreements, and exchange cultural or social experiences and knowledge.
- Governments have a military force such as an army that protects the country from terrorists and other major threats that attack or which can be used to attack and invade other countries.
- The leader of a government and his or her advisors are called the administration.
Hope this helps have a good day
Democracy does not work if people do not respect the results of an election
They most likely would have sent messages like if they won or lost a battle. The modern Athens Marathon commemorates the run of a messenger from a battlefield at the site of the town of Marathon, Greece, to Athens in 490 B.C. Legend has it that a messenger delivered the momentous message “Niki!” (“victory”), then collapsed and died. Maybe messages of where they should meet for battle, so if the figure out the enemy is attacking 50 miles west of where they were they could message their allies to meet there instead.