Answer: dynamically modified model
It's Not At All Because It's Just Like Yku Thinking Of Something
not at all
The answers are explained below
1) Identify the potential classes in this problem domain be list all the nouns
class Customer
class Acco unt
2) Refine the list to include only the necessary class names for this problem
the class customer is not necessary to solve the problem itself, therefore the only class could be the account class
3) Identify the responsibilities of the class or classes.
The responsibilities of the class account will be
* determination of the type of account--> Acc ount . type(char)
* deposit money into the account --> Acc ount . de posit(float)
* withdraw money into the account --> Acc ount . with draw(float)
* show balance of the account --> Acc ount . bal ance()
* generate interest --> Acc ount . int erest()
Please join the words together. I used spaces due to regulations
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