Virtual team
A virtual team is also known as a remote team, where every member of the team is working from different geographic locations. Usually, the communication channel is through voice/video conferencing or email.
Each member of the team is given unique roles and these roles are delivered optimally within the specified time frame.
For instance, Malcolm does not meet with other members of the team, yet they are working on a project (a smartphone app to track traffic patterns). Following standards that would have applied if they were working at a specific location.
Thanks to Information and Communication Technology (ICT), virtual jobs are on the increase, providing jobs to a lot of people not minding their geographic location.
1. Declare an integer variable N.
2. Read the value N from user.
3.1 find r=N%10;
3.2 print r in new line.
3.3 Update N as N=N/10.
4.end program.
Implementation in C++.
// header
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// variable
int N;
cout<<"Enter an Integer:";
// find the digits of number
// last digit
int r=N%10;
// print last digit
// update the number
return 0;
Enter an Integer:329
initial = float(eval(input('Enter the monthly saving amount: ')))
x = (1 + 0.00417)
month_one = initial * x
month_two = (initial + month_one) * x
month_three = (initial + month_two) * x
month_four = (initial + month_three) * x
month_five = (initial + month_four) * x
month_six = (initial + month_five) * x
print('The sixth month value is: '+str(month_six))
Don't forget the saving amount, and initialize the balance with that amount. Inside the loop, work out and add the interest and then add the saving amount for the next month.
balance = 801
for month in range(6):
balance = balance * (1.00417)
a.the number of cycles per second
The frequency of a sine wave is defined as the number of cycles per second.
Frequency is the inverse of the time period. The frequency of a sine wave is given by 1/TimePeriod . It is generally expressed in units of Hertz(Hz) or sec^-1. Larger the time period, lower will be the frequency and vice versa. So for higher frequency waves we need to ensure that the time period is small.