Main Answer:<u> A Social networking service is an online platform that allow users to represent themselves via a profile and web site and provide and receive links to other network members </u>
Sub heding:
What is social networking service?
1.A social networking services is an online platform that allow users to represent themselves via a profile and web site and provide and receive links to other networks members networking services vary in format and the numbers of features
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The answer to this question is the option "B".
In this question, the answer is option B which is 1,000 because the kernel is a central part of an operating system. kernel manages the computer and the hardware operations. most especially memory and CPU time. It also sheared a memory variable is allocated to thread blocks. That's why the answer to this question is 1,000.
The central processing unit (CPU<span>) </span>works in conjunction<span> with </span><span>______ to perform processing</span>
Because wives should make decisions for their life themselves.It helps them be self dependent so that they won't have to depend on their husbands. By letting them make decisions themselves they can get a successful career on their own effort and decisions.