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Use an unit convertor or an calculator.
Primary storage refers to your RAM it is internal storage.
Secondary storage is any storage that is not the primary storage that permanently stores data. Examples are hard drive, tape disk drive, floppy disk drive and compact disk drive.
Off-line storage refers to any device that stores data that is not permanently attached to the computer. Example flash drives, The data remains on the storage device and can be connected to a different computer.
Only one of the two are true. Works in the public domain have a copyright that has expired only. E.g. Works of classical music artist, are almost always expired, in accorance with American Copyright law. Abandoning a copyright doesn't do anything because so long the copyright has remained unexpired, the copyright remains. Thats why it can take decades for a new movie in a series to release, like "IT" by Stephen King. The copyright hasn't expired but rather was 'abandoned'. Before "IT" 2017 was relasesed, the copyright was abandoned.
B) The sky began to darken and rumble.
B) The sky began to darken and rumble.
It seems they have arranged it big. Hence, the money is not a problem. Any number of people can be invited,
The problem was certainly that the rain was about to come as sky turned dark and rumble. And hence, this answer as its what created tension.
The answer to this blanks are black and visible