To begin, the White Man's Burden was written in 1899 by Kipling while the Black Man's Burden was written in 1920 by Morel. In the White Man's Burden, the author justifies imperialism mentioning that Europeans ruling over underdeveloped nations is their responsibility. In the other hand, the author of the Black Man's Burden believes that the justifications mentioned in White Man's Burden are nothing but a lie. He believed that the colonization of these underdeveloped nations was only for the Europeans to gain access to their natural resources and take advantage of them. The author mentions all of the different ways in which colonialism damaged the people of these nations.
The correct answer is code name for secret research and development program to build an atomic bomb during WWII
The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaken during World War II that was successful in producing a weapon of mass destruction.
They are in the era of the 1800's.
The most important characteristic for the development of a civilization is the presence of advanced cities because they were centers of trade, which established economies and allowed for further development of the civilizations.
A civilization is often defined as a complex culture with five characteristics: (1) advanced cities,. (2) specialized workers, (3) complex institutions, (4) ...
5 pages
well...they were still called automobiles, however big industries like Ford Cars were around back then.