The ground-level ozone is a harmful air pollutant that can be a danger to one's health. It is commonly created by chemical between oxides and nitrogen. Similar to ground-level ozone, smog can also be a danger to one's health, especially to the lungs. It is a mixed smoke and fog.
Answer:</h2><h2>THE ANSWER IS TROPICAL</h2>
This is false.
A polyglot is a person who can speak many languages. It isn´t a map of language distribution.
To the east, the North American plate shares the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the Eurasian plate. This divergent margin, offset throughout by transform faults, began spreading approximately 180 Ma ago, opening the North Atlantic Ocean. Evidence of Mesozoic juvenile crust formation in New England can be correlated with the event.
The San Andreas transform boundary between the Pacific and North American plate originates from the shallow, oblique subduction by the North American plate of the Monterey microplate
The Monterey-Pacific ridge stopped spreading and Monterey accreted to the Pacific plate. As a result, the Pacific plate’s motion with respect to the North American rotated, transforming a network of shallow faults into dextral transform faults