He learned in the hopes of improving his life as a slave, if not total escape from slavery.
A: Acid Rain
Acid rain is chemical weathering. It is a mixture of rain, or another type of water related weather, and acidic components such as gases. It can damage forests, crops, and it can cause damage to buildings as well as bodies of water.
it's Narrtive focus
Narrative Focus. Colonial American literature is characterized by the narrative, which was used extensively during this period. ...Religion and Poetry. Religion is prominent in colonial American literature and can be found mostly in Puritan writings. ...The Enlightenment.
Anne's friends judge her for how she feels, and her diary does not.
Johanna told John she had finished the book she was writing last time they met.
She said she finished it last week.
She told him she has started another one now.
She told him she is writing a love story and will finish it soon.
She told him she writes a little everyday.