You changed the mixed numeral into a fraction correctly.
Now you need to multiply the fractions.
Multiply the numerators together, and multiply the denominators together.
Now we could multiply out the numerator and denominator, and then we'd need to reduce the fraction, but before we multiply, we see there is a factor of 5 both in the numerator and in the denominator, so we can reduce before we multiply.
4 rows
Step-by-step explanation:
GCF of 12 and 16 is4
$ 728
Step-by-step explanation:
Amount of Money Cody has = $700
Simple Interest = 4%
As it is know that interest is always given on annually basis so
Amount of profit he have in one year = Money he have right now * interest
=700 * 4%
= $ 28
After one year he will have = total money at that time + Profit
= 700 + 28
= $ 728
Isosceles Triangle; Acute Triangle
Step-by-step explanation:
Review your definitions of the different types of triangles:
acute triangle- a triangle that has three acute (less than 90 degrees) angles
obtuse triangle- a triangle that has an obtuse (greater than 90 degrees) angle.
right triangle- a triangle that had one right (90 degrees) angles
isosceles triangle- a triangle with two congruent sides and one unique side and angle.
equilateral triangle- a triangle with three congruent sides and three congruent angles.
scalene triangle- a triangle with no congruent sides and no congruent angles.
With these definitions, we can classify ΔPQR as an isosceles acute triangle.
I don't know the divison method but is it these one?
156.25= 625/4=(25/2)²
√156.25= 12.5