Scientists divide Earth's atmosphere into four main layers :
- troposphere
- the stratosphere
- the mesosphere
- the thermosphere
The Counter-Reformation<span> (</span>Latin<span>: </span>Contrareformatio<span>), also called the </span>Catholic Reformation<span> (Latin: </span>Reformatio Catholica<span>) or the </span>Catholic Revival,[1]<span> was the period of </span>Catholic<span> resurgence initiated in response to the </span>Protestant Reformation<span>, beginning with the </span>Council of Trent<span> (1545–1563) and ending at the close of the </span>Thirty Years' War<span> (1648). The Counter-Reformation was a comprehensive effort composed of four major elements</span>
False, but it really depends onm the person
Selling price of wheat by miller= $90
Selling price of flour by miller= $145
Selling price of bread by baker = $155
In this economy the GDP is $155 because it is the final price he got for the wheat.
So the miller initially had $90 and sold the flour for $145, so he gets an additional 145 - 90 that is $55 gain
Now the baker have $145 and makes the bread and sell it for $155, so he 155 - 145 that is $10 extra.
Adding up all these profit amount 90 + 55 + 10 again making it 155 which is GDP.