Yes I know the answer maybe if you actually ask the question
Well, let's go through the Alphabet and mention the letters that contain some closed space:
A, B, D, O, P, Q, R,
That's a total of 7 letters- so the correct answer is "seven"
In an alphabet of lower case letters there are many more, for example "e", "g"
Carter's van needs to be washed.
The statement can be rewritten using punctuation mark 'apostrophe'. It is a non restrictive element, used for following purposes :
- Marking omission of one or more letters (eg : do not to - don't)
- Marking possessive case of noun's (eg : Ram's book)
- Making plurals of individual characters (eg : x's , y's)
In this case : it has been used for - marking possessive case of noun.
Van of Carter i.e <u>Carter's</u> van needs to be washed
“I love you,
It’s all I have to give,
and all anyone needs to live”
(Santiago Baca lines 23-25)
From the information you've given me in your question, I would say C. However, I might not be getting the full answer!
Hope this helped, dude!