A small direct democracy. I hope this helps.
La respuesta correcta es A) baja densidad.
¿Por qué la luna carece de atmosfera?
Respuesta: por su baja densidad.
Los científicos que han estudiado la Luna aseguran que la atmósfera de este satélite es 100 billones de veces menos densa comparada con nuestra atmósfera terrestre, lo que significa que tiene baja densidad. De acuerdo con estos científicos, la fuerza de gravedad de nuestra Luna es 6 veces menor que la qu presenta nuestro planeta azul. Es por eso que la dela Luna no puede captar o mantener las moléculas ni los átomos para conformar una atmósfera.
B. Unions are harmful because they encourage violence
The poster shows groups of workers that look as if they are causing destruction and violence. With the figure on the right, it seems they are the ones to put out this violence, so you can say this poster is going against the creation of Unions.
One of the most outstanding points in West African history is how geography was influential in the development of this region.
When researching the history of West Africa we can see how the geography of a place is important in the development and relationships that this place presents. This is because the geography of West Africa determined how the population would grow, causing the most populous and most influential villages to settle in the south of the Sahara desert. This happened because this region had a more fertile and well-structured soil for agriculture. These villages, therefore, had good agricultural products because they could establish an exchange trade with the villages that had another type of product.
He beat women until they were black and blue