The following that is a characteristic that could be applied to both living and nonliving things can contain mostly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
In humans sperms can survive 3 -5 days within the female reproductive tract.
The ideal time of fertilization is around ovulation when the egg is in the fallopian tube. After travelling through the vaginal canal, the strongest sperm make it to the cervix. From here, the sperm must travel through the uterus and into one of the fallopian tubes.
Color is determined by a sex-linked gene, X gene, so, in order to that, the gene is maternally inherited. When one gene is related to the X chromosome, and one of the alleles is recesive and the other, logically dominant, the first generation will be of a single color, and the second generation will be of the other single color.
Answer: In living things hydrolysis reaction result in the formation amino acids, glucose or fatty acids from their polymers by addition of water. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple glucose units when water is added to them.A
Photosynthesis is the process in which plants materialize the energy from the sun to create food out of carbon dioxide and water. During this same process of Photosynthesis plants release clean oxygen for other living to breath in.