A biography can contain almost anything about a person- Their entire life, or just one key event... Most biographies, regardless of their length and target audience, will provide basic facts like the time and place in which the person lived.
- short-tempered
- thick-skinned
- well-behaved
- open-minded
- hard-working
- easy-going
As these compound adjectives state with the sum of their two parts, their meanings are a combination of the two elements of the adjective.
A short-tempered person could also be described as an impatient or an irascible individual.
A thick-skinned person is able to endure a significant amount of criticism or discomfort without being overly affected.
A well-behaved person follows the rules.
An open-minded person does not criticize what he or she perceives as different, but rather accepts it as something new.
A hard-working person is diligent and productive.
An easy-going person does not stress too easily or become angry or irate over trivial issues.
His actions - He saved lives
Van Helsing is most importantly considered a hero, not only because he saved Mina's life, but because he was able to save Morris, Jonathan, and Arthur's lives with his knowledge. He kept them out of harm's way by providing them with a cross and garlic which he knows will keep vampires away.
They have people who watch the fire everyday they have meetings regularly and jack is always out hunting. The littluns sleep play and eat. When they awaken more towards noon the water rises and things that aren't rlly there seem to be.