"She and her friends will go shopping at the mall"
nouns and pronouns in the subjective case are italicized. A noun in the subjective case is often the subject of a verb. For example: "The tree fell on my car", "the tree" is in the nominative case because it's the subject of the verb "fell".
- By using the strategy of invisible strength.
'The Rules of the Game' authored by Amy Tan which is narrated by Waverly in first person narrative and primarily conveys the idea of 'manipulation in communication' to learn the art of life and get what they want. Waverly is a young Chinese girl who possesses more American etiquette as compared to Chinese and therefore, she loves to play Chess. The given excerpt reveals that Waverly persuades her mother to let her play chess through 'the strategy of invisible strength'(art of manipulation in communication) which she learnt from her mother during her childhood.