- Each U.S. state has its own rules and procedures that govern how its constitution ... The ways a state constitution can be amended or revised are:Via a ... of these states are so prohibitively difficult that the process has rarely if ever .... construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, and betterment of public ...
Correct answer is a. smuggling
A is correct answer because he was arrested by Mexican authorities in 1835 while he was engaged in mercantile business. He was arrested because he removed his merchandise although the authorities prohibited him to do so.
B and C are not correct as he was never accused of these crimes, while D is not correct because General Cos died by natural cause.
The collapse of the world economy during the Great Depression had a deleterious effect on the Ethiopian economy . Prices for ... The new emperor now moved to advance his policies of modernizing Ethiopia and consolidating power in his own hands . ... While the constitution did allow for broadened political participation , it nevertheless did little to dilute the emperor ' s nearly absolute political authority .
In this text, it can be found many different features that the author uses in order to help readers understand more about pyramids. He tries to give extra information about different activities and the way Egyptians used to live. For example, here are some of it, the author wrote:
<em>- In the year 3,200 B.C the Ancient Egyptians first developed early forms of writing. </em>
<em>- Hieroglyphics was the name of the type of writing the Egyptians used </em>
<em>- Medical books, calendars, stories, poems, and prayers were some of the things written on papyrus (a plant)</em>
<em>- They had strong beliefs on what religious thoughts were then, such as the Book of the Dead, which was a guide to the afterlife for dead souls. </em>
<em>- They used tombs of early rulers. The tombs were underground chambers containing items that the ruler may want during the afterlife.</em>
And that is how the author mentions more features that might have helped readers better understand pyramids.