They can also use carbohydrates so I don't know
a. the coordinated control of gene expression in bacteria
An operon in bacteria is a collection/cluster of genes that are under the control of a single promoter. It includes 3 components: a promoter, the genes and an operator. The operator is where a repressor binds, and the promoter is where transcription begins.
Operons allow organisms to control the expression of multiple genes in response to environmental cues
Bacitracin blocks the transport of nag and nam across the cytoplasmic membrane to the cell wall. Like other antimicrobials that block cell wall synthesis, this would result in weak cell walls and cell lysis. Antimicrobilas that act by inhibiting cell wall synthesis include beta-lactams, vancomycin and cycloserine and isoniazid and ethambutol among others. They prevent bacteria from increasing amount of peptidoglycan, they have no effect on existing peptodoglycan layer and therefore are effective only for growing cells.
Answer: No, only identical twins will look identical.
Identical twins are also called monozygotic twins. Such twins are produced by the fertilization of one egg that splits into two. The genes present in these twins are same thus the expression of traits is also same in them and they have the same sex.
Sam and Joe and Maria and Ella are identical twins these pairs are expected to have same genotypic and phenotypic traits. They may be clones of each other. But if Sam and Maria are married and Joe and Ella are also married then their children will have some similar traits in common but their children will not be identical as they are not identical twins as their parents were.