With "The Pardoner's Tale" people can learn how destructive greed and the cult of money and wealth is.
"The Pardoner's Tale" presents the story of three friends who ended up killing each other to own a large amount of money. This story can be related to the current society and the cult of money and wealth, leaving people greedy to the point of causing problems to themselves and the people around them. The tale shows that greed is not rewarding, but that it causes tension, betrayal and pain.
The pardoner tells a didactic tale to preach that greed is the root cause of all evil. The three young men he describes are shown as greedy, lecherous, boisterous, and blasphemous. To get across their sinful nature, the pardoner uses words such as pestilence, insolent, evil, gluttony, and treacherous. The tale goes on to show how the men’s greed for money gets them into trouble. Their foolishness is brought out when they proclaim that they will slay Death. The pardoner says the men are “drunken” and full of “rage” when they make this “grisly oath.” The choice of words shows how these three men are shown to be slaves of the seven deadly sins.