Class struggle and political revolution is necessary for socialism to emerge. They think that everyone will just adopt it, without struggle or a fight, if it's represented convincingly.
It encouraged African-Americans to become politically active and racially conscious.
The purpose of the United Nations is to prevent a major war from breaking out again.
First, the President must nominate someone to become a Justice on the United States Supreme Court when there is a vacancy. Then, the Senate must confirm the nomination with a majority vote.
There are no qualifications listed by the Constitution for becoming a Justice. The only steps one has to go through is the nomination and Senate confirmation.
However, in practice, having experience in law is a requirement as all previous Justices have been trained in law, even if they didn't go to law school.
Using simple words, imperialism is a policy of certain country involving a will of extending its power by using any kind of pressure or force.
For example - In 1939 Nazi Germany together with Soviet Russia jointly invaded Poland, in the result, both countries extended its borders.