1. Cheetah
113 km/hr (70 mph)
They can accelerate from 0 - 60 mph in only 3 seconds.
2. Pronghorn Antelope
98 km/hr (61 mph)
They have a large heart and lungs which help them to go so fast.
3. Springbok
90 km/hr (56 mph)
They are extremely agile animals, they can leap 4 m into the air and jump up to 15 m in length.
4. Quarterhorse
88.5 km/hr (55 mph)
They excel at sprinting short distances.
5 = Thomson's Gazelle
80 km/hr (50 mph)
They have the ability to out last cheetah's in long chases and they can make swifter turns.
5 = Blue Wildebeest
80 km/hr (50 mph)
In order to defend themselves from predators, they run in large herds.
5 = Lion
80 km/hr (50 mph)
When hunting they combine stealth with bursts of speed.
8 = Elk
72 km/hr (45 mph)
They can outrun their main predators, grey wolves, coyotes and dogs.
8 = African Wild Dog
72 km/hr (45 mph)
They are endurance runners and they can achieve an average speed of 48 km/hr (30 mph) over a distance of 4.8 km (3 miles).
10. Coyote
69 km/hr (43 mph)
They use their speed to hunt rabbits, mice, squirrels and livestock.
It helps the reader feel like it is in the senario and feels like they are fully expericeing the moment
it is a convincing argument because of the several examples. It was a good idea to compare conflict with animals, which we are similar to and how they do it often with attacking, but at a grand scale.
She’s going swimming, so she took her goggles and towel.