Indirect taxes are commonly used and imposed by the government in order to generate revenue. They are essentially fees that are levied equally upon taxpayers, no matter their income, so rich or poor, everyone has to pay them.
I would say B, Removing bans on assault weapons
The NRA, or the National Rifle Association, is a gun rights advocacy group based in the United States. Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm-related legislation since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against firearms legislation since 1975.
The answer is D. The president appoints federal judges with the consent of the senate.
"The purpose of <u>National Organization for Women</u> is to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now, exercising all privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with men."
NOW is dedicated to the proposition that women, first and foremost, are human beings, who, like all other people in society, must have the chance to develop their fullest human potential. This organization believed that women could achieve such equality only by accepting to the full the challenges and responsibilities they shared with all other people in society, as part of the decision-making mainstream of American political, economic and social life.