Maaf teman saya tetapi sudah waktunya. Anda perlu melakukan pekerjaan rumah Anda sendiri karena kebenaran yang paling gelap adalah .. tidak ada yang akan membantu Anda ketika Anda gagal dalam ujian. Itulah mengapa aku di sini untuk memakaimu. Berhentilah menanyakan jawaban dan coba sendiri. Minta bantuan guru Anda. Tapi berhentilah meminta jawaban dari orang lain. Itu jelas curang.
Le château qui a inspiré l'histoire de Charles Perault "La Belle au bois dormant" s'appelle: Ussé </span>
My poate added his translation asta cineva ?: this crowd and this noise impress me, but to endure all that is cake after having climbed all these steps. Can you identify what you see? Here I am in beautiful sheets! Well! I can identify your building, beside the disabled and furniture, next to the disabled and I observe the island of the city. Here is Notre-Dame, the cathedral of Paris. Look there, in the distance, there is a little thing: it is the Arc of Triumph and at the bottom, on the right bank, it is the basilica of the Sacre-Coeur. I'm not stupid, what? You must know that I did my homework and that I know a lot of things We will see!
The macrophage looks like an amoeba and flows around the germ to take it into itself, there to be dissolved by certain chemicals or enzymes
Hi !
- Qui a conduit ma voiture ? (participe passé)
- Le conducteur de ce taxi est fou ! Il conduit trop rapidement !
- Les Parisiens ne conduisent pas lentement.
- Est-ce que tu conduis une voiture ou un camion ?
- Conduisez moins vite monsieur ! J'ai peur ! (impératif. 2éme pers pluriel
("vous" de politesse : monsieur)
je conduis
tu conduis
il/elle/on conduit
nous conduisons
vous conduisez
ils/elles conduisent
Participe présent = conduisant
Participe passé = conduit
Conduis (tu)
Conduisons (nous)
Conduisez (vous 2éme p. pluriel /or/ vous de politesse
hope it helps :)