A houseplant is usually small, and darkly colored, whereas an outdoor plant will usually have a brighter color and will more likely to grow in size. Most plants prefer a temperature of around 76-93 degrees Fahrenheit. Meaning if you like your house to be cool, your plants' growth could be stunted.
This process is called genetic engineering.
For the answer to the question above, the answer is "Systemic Acquired Resistance''.
<span>it is a whole-plant resistance response and it occurs by following an earlier localized exposure to a pathogen. It is analogous to the innate immune system that can be found in the animals, and there is also an evidence that SAR in plants and innate immunity in the animals may be evolutionarily conserved.</span>
cohesive force
The first three forces are also collectively called van Der Waals forces. All of the inter molecular forces that hold a liquid together.