A similarity between the separation of powers, the system of checks and balances, and federalism is that they all are meant to keep the federal government from becoming too powerful and tyrannical.
commander in chief
Commander in chief is the role assigned to the US President in function. He then controls all branches of the US army (land, air, navy and now space).
chief executive is his role as leader as the White House, the executive branch of the government.
chief of party is is role within his political party, the Republicans for the current President.
chief legislator, as representing the executive branch, he's the one singing in to laws the bills adopted by the Congress.
Automation is when things move or do things by themselves. Like an automobile, the engine runs by itself.
Your A and B are the same, so I assume you messed up there.
But the 26th amendment granted the right to vote to American citizens aged eighteen or older, or 18+.
I think it is Many Blacks and Native Americans supported them.