i like it it looks good
<u><em>THUMBS UP</em></u>
The second conflict is that Jacob must decide whether he should stay with Miss Peregrine and his new friends in the loop hole, or stay in the present-day with his family. He knows that if he stays with his family he will live in fear for the rest of his life. He also knows that he may end up like his grandfather if he continues in the real world. However, he also knows that he would miss his family if he went to live with Miss Peregrine. But, he can not bear to think about life without Emma. Jacob must make a decision that will have a huge impact on his life. This conflict is man v. self.
He was happy for being small sized.
The narrator of "Drummer Man" is small sized. Based on the excerpt we can infer that he was not much happy with his small size. It was only one of two times when he liked being small sized.
His regiment had to retreat from a war front, but their Captain was wounded and left between the lines. Someone had to go there and drag Captain back to safe place. It was not easy for other soldiers to do it owing to their large size. The narrator because of being small in size did the job with not much difficulty. So he was happy for his small size.
Answer: an objective opinion is based on facts, and unbiased.Not influenced by personal feelings or prejudice.
Answer: I woke up. It was blurry, the sun was shining on me, ugh so much light! "Wake up Summer!" someone yelled at my face, I didnt know who it was, my vision was still blurry, then the person who yelled at my face, handed me some water to drink. I hear the ocean, swish-swoosh, I felt the sand on my hand, I got up and saw sand. Where Im I? "Summer, you finally up!" Happiness came from that voice, but I didnt know who she was. "Who are you?" I said, "Summer, its me KT! Cmon lets go find Dana!" She said her name was KT but I still didnt know who she was, or Dana whoever she is. "Whos Dana?" I was so confused. "Summer, stop playing games!" KT said.