Legendary - Le - gen-dary
Struggle - Str - ug-gle
Manage - Man - age
Feature - Fe - at-ure
Incapable - in - cap-able
Indecisive - in - deci-sive
Inflexible - in - flex-ible
Unobservant - un - observ-ant
Immature - im - mature
Impossible- im - possible
Intolerant - In - tolerant
Tremendous - Tre - men-dous
Competitive - Com - pet-itive
Disposal - dis - posal
Disadvantage - Dis - advantage
Uncomfortable - Un - comfort-able
Revolutionary - Rev - olution-ary
Misrepresentation - Mis - represent-ation
Most of these should be right I am very sorry If I got any wrong if I did get any wrong tell me and I can make corrections pls don't be mad at me if i get any of these wrong I wish u good luck.