The 14th Amendment.
The thirteenthy amendment freed the slaves, the fourteenth amendment provinded citizenship to all people born in the United States, and the 15th amendment gave righting votes to all men.
I remember this by this handy acronym:
13-- Free
14-- Citizens
15-- Vote.
what cartoon would that be?
In the 1962 book Silent Spring, Carson wrote how pesticides killed everything and should be called biocides because of that. Even though she had her worries about acute pesticide poisoning, she was really alarmed about slow pesticide poisoning of everything, like humans and plants. Her intentions on the book were to educate people about pesticide risks, trying to transform the "myth" of pesticides into reality for the masses.
b. A reliable food production and distribution system
The Tang and Song Empires were successful at creating increased food production. Irrigation systems were responsible for more growing areas and particularly helped produced more rice. The empires also manipulated the landscape to create more land to farm. Terrace systems within the land also increased the amount of land that could be farmed at any one time. Cotton, tea, and rice became the most produced crops making money for the empires.