What is the module?
I don't know the module but I can do an example
Este fin de semana voy a salir con algunos amigos, talvez salgamos al cine o a pasear a algun parque. En la noche iremos a dormir a la casa de un de mis amigos antes de dormir jugaremos videojuegos y nos quedaremos hasta tarde.
when colon and subsequently the conquerors, they brought spanish
to America, In colombia there was not a tongue common, not a writing, but a diversity of languages. When speaking of pre-Columbian literature, then reference is made to the set of traditional stories created before the discovery of America and transmitted generation, in generation across of an oral language.This means that, in the strict sense of the word, in Colombia it was not possible to develop a literature. However through anthropological studies, of chronicles of the 16th and 17th centries made by espanole and mestizos, and stories oral of the descendants far from pre-Columbian cultures, versions of the myths created by the cultures that inhabited our territory have come down to us.These myths have been mixed and modified with the stories of the current indigenous tribes.
No me gusto
This means "I don't like it" in English.
Si un estudiante quiere ir al ARMARIO, le digo que no.
All of them mean you
Tú - you second person
Usted is a singular form
<span>Ustedes is a pural
you answer would be ustedes!!