The first picture is asking what your name is. The second picture is asking you the date. The third picture is asking you "What was yesterday's date?"
The third picture is telling you "Hello".
Hyperbole is the best answer here because Mrs. White is making a point at the ridiculousness of the monkey's paw being able to grant a wish. Also, she could easily say an extra pair of hands, but instead she goes with four knowing it will sound ridiculous
Nothing good...
The editor may or may not inform the department or the institutional head of the author about the plagiarism. On the other hand if the plagiarism is caught after the paper is published, it means that the facts are now in public domain. The editor will retract the paper and publish a retraction in subsequent issues of the journal. This information will also be sent to the institutions head asking for disciplinary action against the authors. If authors have used financial resources of the institution to write this paper, it would result in a criminal investigation.
Hm, honestly, I would be a fighter!