Hey there!
The skin and nervous tissues develop from the ectoderm.
To a certain extent, population numbers are self-regulating because deaths increase when a population exceeds its carrying capacity. Disease, competition, predator-prey interaction, resource use and the number of populations in an ecosystem all affect carrying capacity.
A. It contains fewer volatile gases.
Mafic lava have a composition of about 45-55% silica with high amount of Fe, Mg, Ca.
The silica content is quite low compared to those of granitic magma whose silica content can reach up to about 60%.
What determines the viscosity of magma is basically the silica content of the magma and the temperature of the magma. Viscosity is the resistance to flow.
The higher the silica content, the lower the viscosity and the higher the amount of volatile gases. Such type of magma is the granitic magma. Granitic magma due to their viscosity flows slowly.
The lower the silica content, the higher the viscosity and the lesser the presence of volatile gases in them. Such an example is Mafic magma. Mafic magma flows very slowly with low amount of dissolved gases.
There is no scientific evidence to prove that people with schizophrenia ingest dopamine capable of accumulating excess in the body.
Although you did not specify that your question is associated with the origin of schizophrenia in people, we can see that this is the main topic of your question, due to its context. This is because scientists have been striving to find the origin of this disease, in order to be able to combat it in the early stages. Although many scientists believe that the origin of this disease is associated with excessive intake of dopamine, there is not strong enough scientific evidence to show that this is true. Because of this lack of evidence, filmmakers have focused on associating the origin of the disease with the sensitivity of the dopamine receptor and not with the dopain itself.