The reasons are that Rehoboam attempted to continue his father, Solomon's unwise policy of swinging taxes and then arrogantly increased them when the Israelites complained. In a very short time, the Israelites rebelled and split from Israel, forming their own kingdom called Israel.
The correct answer is that "most of its settlers came from the Caribbean". In between the years 1662 towards 1807. Britain shipped almost more than 3.1 Million slaves across the Atlantic Ocean, wherein Africans where brought to the British owned colonies in the world. specifically the Caribbean wherein they were tasked to work on plantations daily.
4 and 5
A constant term in an expression is a term that does is independent of any variables. This means that constant term will have non of the variables
attached to them. In the expression
we notice that the terms integers 4 and 5 are the only terms that are not coefficients of any of the variables in the expression.