The statement that [after the peasants carry out their revolt, Martin Luther sympathizes with them and joins their cause] is false.
It was expected that Martin Luther would support the Peasant War, yet he did not because he was not a revolutionary person and truth be told, he did not like peasants.
The independence processes of the United States and Canada were very different from each other.
The United States obtained its independence from Great Britain after a war of independence that lasted from 1775 to 1783. That is, it was a violent and convulsive process, in which both nations faced each other to settle their directly opposed interests.
On the other hand, Canada walked its way towards independence in a peaceful way. In 1867 the Constitution Act was approved, which created the Dominion of Canada, with an autonomous government but subject to the laws of the British Parliament. Years later, in 1931, the Statute of Westminster was approved, establishing the legislative equality of the British and Canadian Parliament. Finally, in 1982, the Constitution of Canada eliminated dependence on the British Parliament.
The Brown vs Board of Education legal case was a very important part of history which essentially ended segregation among blacks and whites in schools and started to integrate them together.
Brown vs Board of Education started in the 1950's when a young African American girl had to walk over a mile to school everyday, but there was a school for whites very close by.
This was when the NAACP, which advocated for the rights and freedoms of colored people came in. They believed segregation among schools and "separate but equal" was in fact <em>not</em> equal.
Eventually, the Brown vs Board of Education case went to the Supreme Court, when finally in 1954 the case was won by the NAACP and integration between public schools began.
Many citizens and schools were against integration and many more rulings with the Supreme Court had to occur, but finally a few decades later all of the public schools in the United States were integrated among races and the "separate but equal" principle was no longer.
The main motive for the French wanting to establish colonies around the world was to compete with the British and the Dutch, who were extracting great amounts of resources from new territory.
The art of Nepal, with a few exceptions, is based on the religious themes taken from Buddhism and Hinduism. Art and ..