Artikel ini menganalisis perkembangan ekonomi liberal dalam kegiatan perdagangan bebas di Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu (NNMB) sebelum Perang Dunia Pertama. Pendekatan neomerkantilisme digunakan untuk meneliti peranan kerajaan yang bersifat ‘protective’dalam memusatkan pentadbiran dan penggubalan dasar berkaitan pembangunan perdagangan antarabangsa. Galakan terhadap eksport perdagangan, pembentukaan sistem tarif dan tumpuan pengumpulan surplus merupakan analisis penting neomerkantilisme dalam mengukur sumber kekayaan negara. Perubahan reformasi tarif yang berlaku di Britain secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi perubahan dasar ekonomi di Pejabat Tanah Jajahan menjelang awal abad ke-20. Kerajaan Britain menggunakan ‘imperial preference’sebagai langkah untuk melindungi kepentingan perdagangannya di tanah jajahan. Dasar ekonomi yang bersifat liberal amat diperlukan oleh Britain bagi mengatasi masalah perdagangan bebas yang menerima persaingan yang hebat daripada blok neomerkantilisme, khususnya Amerika Syarikat dan Jerman pada awal abad ke-20
The north didn't support slavery and the south did
i dont know if this is right but buy how ther saying pay taxes serve in court they mean get ready for the work life thats my guess
Emperor Wu, also known as Wudi or Liu Che.
Emperor Wu (141-87 BCE) expanded the influence and the power of the Chinese empire under the Han dynasty as no previous ruler had. He adopted Confucianism as the official state ideology, a decision that had profound and lasting consequences for the culture and history of China, because Confucianism continues to influence and mold Chinese mentality and social life until today, the year 2020. He also incorporated southern China and Vietnam into his lands, and reconquered Korea. He strengthened the empires´s security by attacking and punishing the nomads Xiongnu, a permanent threat to his kingdom.
The high incidence of disease spread from Europeans to
American Indian populations
weakened American Indian tribes significantly, making them more vulnerable to European invasion.
The population of American Indian tribes was greatly decimated by diseases, especially smallpox and other communicable diseases. Most of the diseases were brought by the Europeans who had developed immunity to the diseases, and as a result did not suffer from the diseases but were able to spread the diseases whenever they had contact with the native Indian tribes.