Orange, Green, and Purple
Secondary colors are formed when 2 primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) are mixed together. Orange results from yellow and red, green from blue and yellow, and purple from red and blue.
9% average of people work as special effects directors
No i do not sadly :((((((((
Dada was an avant-garde where the art is radical and unorthodox. The movement's intent was to mock materialistic and nationalistic attitudes. It aimed to overturn bourgeois sensibilities. its purpose was to intrigue the role of artist and the purpose of the art-- asserting "Dada is anti-Dada
In art history, we called this type of arrangement ... A sphinx is a lion with a man's head. ... a conventional object used in art to identify a saint or mythical figure ... Created from marble, the sculpture would have looked different in ancient times. ... 3 as well as answer multiple choice and/or essay questions about these images.