The muckrakers were reform-minded journalists in the Progressive Era in the United States (1890s–1920s) who exposed established institutions and leaders as corrupt. They typically had large audiences in popular magazines.
Aztec Culture and Society - Crystalinks. The Aztecs were a Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican people of central Mexico in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. They called themselves Mexica."
Concepts like confession and forgiveness and communion gave the church the ability to have its members a way to continually visit and have their spiritual needs met on a daily and weekly basis. This gave the church a way to be a constant part of the lives of the members and gave the members a place they could go to when they had problems that needed solving. The Church was the one link between God and the people.People went to church to feel like they were one with God.
This oddly sounds like something Hitler would have said, so based off my current knowledge of History, I will say it is answer choice D if what that is trying to say is communism.
Samuel Adams hepled establish the committee.