Don’t let fear get in the way of standing up for yourself when you feel unfairly treated.
Plz correct me if I am wrong :)
She could be a mentor or make commentary on Shakespeare's play, including both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself struggling with their moral codes and having small psychotic breakdowns, some bigger than others (Lady M literally dies).
Honestly that last one is a little tricky. She wants to help Macbeth, essentially by destroying him. Maybe that's what your teacher means? She's very confident and has a sort of complex that she controls fate, while criticizing Macbeth for his over-confidence. She says some paradoxical things and so do the witches, such as the phrase "when the battle's lost and won" meaning, technically that they both won and lost the battle, a paradox. Of course, it means the actual loss comes from casualty, but grammatically it is a paradox. Macbeth doesn't really have a clue what it means.
I'm sorry I could not be so definite. I love Macbeth and even performed in it two years ago. These questions are a little strange. Ha-ha! Hope this helped in some way anyhow.
He makes his money by using racial tactics
A. is Your answer hope this helpes