Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, was a revolutionary freedom fighter who freed India. Via peaceful means, and other non-violent, he successfully united India into one nation with the sole purpose of getting India free.
Mahatma Gandhi was from Gujurat. He completed his higher studies in South Africa. A brilliant and young mind, with a pure aim of independance he was one of the many freedom fighters who actively participated in hunger strikes
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Answer: The roles of the elders often involve responsibilities that require specialized knowledge, skills or the wisdom that is acquired with experience. Sometimes the elder can mentor a younger person to assume the responsibility. But a younger person may not have the interest, the aptitude, or willingness to learn. Elders often have leadership roles in a community which will require them to listen, communicate, settle disputes, or offer guidance to solve problems. They must be able to earn the respect of the community.
People have different intelligence, talents and interests. Some are capable and willing to fulfill roles as teachers, healers, protectors and leaders. Others should just be content to follow, contribute as they are able, and respect their elders.