I believe the answer is: A.a New York businessman who relocated to Mississippi
Carpetbagger refers to the people who are perceived to take advantage of unstable political situation in the country in order to obtain financial profit. The most likely people who called a carpetbagger are most likely businessman from northern states who tried to explain their influence on the southern states by bringing technological advancement.
the Industrial revolution was the boom of factories to produce products such as clothes. The factories main use was cotton. When the demand for cotton increased the more cotton was needed to be produced in turn making agriculture rise slightly. Everyone benefited except the slaves. Another effect was the poor working conditions in the factory that led to a working class revolution
In the summer of 1939, American newspapers began to discuss the prospects of using atomic energy. Although physicists reported new advances in this field, many Americans doubted that nuclear weapons could be created. Leo Silarda, a physicist from Hungary, was worried that America had not shown itself in such a serious matter: this could be an advantage for Nazi Germany.
Sylard himself could not find support in the government and decided to seek help from his friend Albert Einstein. Sylard told him that the atomic bomb can be created with the current achievements of science. Sylard’s request was that Einstein warned the Belgian queen, who could protect large reserves of uranium ore in the Belgian Congo from the Nazis.
by planning out attacks and advantage points.