A hero in Anglo-Saxon culture had to be strong, brave, intelligent, and humble, but he must at all times keep his sorrows and fears to himself. Heroes couldn't complain about their problems, or appear weak. Anglo-Saxon warriors had to be stoic, and they had to appear fearless at all times.
Graffiti should be considered a crime. If someone calls vandalizing other peoples property art, then that person is wrong. Graffiti is wrong because it is done on properties that the artist do not own , most of the time graffiti is disrespectful, and it is very costly to the community.
Graffiti is wrong because it is done on properties that the artist do not own. If someone was to vandalize another persons home with graffiti written on it, that person would feel very disrespected. Although sometimes graffiti is beautiful, we would not want a person to vandalize our property and have them call it art. It would be fine if a graffiti artist were to draw on their own property because it belongs to them. It is very disrespectful for someone to draw on someone else's property without permission. Which brings me to my second point.
Most of the time graffiti is disrespectful. The artist have no concern on what they draw that might offend other people who have the chance to see it. Graffiti artist are truly gifted, so this means they can make their art look very realistic. Someone might say, if someone does not want to see it then they should not look. Whoever might say that is very wrong. Graffiti artist tend to draw art on almost anything that they can. This means they draw it for the public to see, whether the public wishes to see it or not. Some graffiti artist do not care what they write, but parents do. A parents does not want to walk with their child somewhere crowded, and see something inappropriate drawn or written for their child to see. Which brings me to my third and final point.
Graffiti is very costly to the community to get it removed. That is why graffiti artist should not draw offensive things, but they do anyway and the community has to pay to get it removed. This is just like the app Instagram. If someone were to post something offensive towards the public, someone would report it, so it could get removed because what they saw were either offensive to them, their children, or they were thinking about everyone else that might come across that post. This relates to graffiti. If the community were to leave something that were offensive to the community there would be problems, not small problems, but big enough problems that could get people hurt.
Although graffiti is a wonderful thing to see, it should be called a crime because it can corrupt young minds and cause problems.
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a similie uses the words like or as. So, I will use a similie.
I go through all of my classes at my pace, and jf I need any help, I ask the teacher for the class. For 4th period, my teacher lets us out 5 minutes before the lunch bell brings, so I head to the sandwich line behind the cafeteria, say Hi to my friend from band on the way, grab my lunch, and head to the library to eat and read. I like to eat their because it's quiet and no one goes there, it is pratically empty, like a deserted island. After lunch I go to the rest of my 2 classes, and walk home.
Im guessing responsible or patient.
The answer is A..><span>Test it out before you begin</span>