the answer is number 2
the Egyptians created a simple deadbolt with wooden pins that secured the bolt
Given the scope of violence in Mexico, calculating its economic impact is necessary to assess the financial burden it places on the country's society.
According to the 2018 Mexico Peace Index (MPI), the cost of violence in Mexico in 2017 was 4.72 trillion pesos (US $249 billion).
This is the equivalent of 21% of the country's gross domestic product.
Given the high cost of violence, Mexico's investment in its prevention is surprisingly low.
In 2017, the federal government set aside only 1% of GDP for public order and safety expenditures.
Dado el alcance de la violencia en México, el cálculo de su impacto económico es necesario para evaluar la carga financiera que representa para la sociedad del país.
Según el Índice de Paz de México (IPM) 2018, el costo de la violencia en México en 2017 fue de 4.72 mil millones de pesos (US $ 249 mil millones).
Esto es equivalente al 21% del producto interno bruto del país.
Dado el alto costo de la violencia, la inversión de México en su prevención es sorprendentemente baja.
En 2017, el gobierno federal reservó solo el 1% del PIB para los gastos de orden público y de seguridad.
Mein Kampf (Disclaimer, do NOT read it it's literally a garbage political book that has anti-semitic things)
According to google translator apartheid is " (in South Africa) a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race" so after all the National Party in South Africa got the power, all White government suddenly start forcing policies of racial segregation in the worst system apartheid, moreover, the system was discrimination against the Black society that was existed in South Africa between 1948 and 1994 . According to Wiki the "economic legacy and generational effects of apartheid continue to this day."It was like master and slave way of living, in which the master gets the most benefits and the slave works hard to get a small amount of wage or money to survive in hardship.
Between the 7th and 14th centuries, the trading of gold helped promote progress in Southern Africa. Learn about Southern Africa, Great Zimbabwe, and the gold trade by recognizing Southern Africa's identity as a region and exploring the Kingdom of Zimbabwe's origins and eventual prosperity in Great Zimbabwe. Updated: 11/03/2021
Africa Has a South
Guess what? Africa has a south. And it's more than just the nation of South Africa.
In history and archeology, we tend to spend a lot of time talking about the northern parts of Africa. I mean, in some ways it makes sense. There's some cool stuff up there - Egypt, for example. And while Northern Africa had some incredible civilizations, it wasn't like societies stopped developing south of the Sahara Desert. In Southern Africa, an entirely different set of societies thrived. They looked different than large northern cities, like Egypt or Kush or Axum, and had their own ways of life. Some of the greatest southern cultures were centered on the people of Zimbabwe.