1, 3, 4, and 7 are true the rest are false.
A business with more than 2 owners.
It was important that civil service positions were not hereditary so that officials would be well-qualified. The fear was that if these positions were hereditary or inherited by a parent then officials would not really qualify for the position they inherited. There would be no requirements to serve except that their parent was previously an official. By not allowing this officials would be required to qualify on their merits and not based on who they were related too. Thus better and more qualified officials would exist. The answer is A) so officials would be well-qualified.
This verse means that if there is something in a person's life that causes the person to sin or sway from the will of God, the person should let it go, even if it seems difficult. The difficulty or the pain in letting go of that sin is what is compared to gouging the eye out and throwing it away. It will be very painful to gouge out your eye. So it is better to let go of that sin which is so pleasing, suffer on earth for a short time and enjoy in heaven eternally than to stay in that sin, enjoy on earth for a short time and burn in hell eternally.
Ancient Egypt had pharaohs as their leaders. Similar to kings, pharaohs were picked by whoever was next in the bloodline. Pharaohs were on top of the social structure, followed by nobles and priests, soldiers, scribes, merchants, artisans, farmers and finally slaves. The pharaoh ranked above everyone else and his word was absolute. The pahraoh was the person who looked over everything. Whatever he said, people had to do.