594 7/25 converted into decimal is 594.28, 89 37/100 converts to 89.37. Add 594.28 and 89.37 together and we get out final answer of 683.65. Convert that back into fraction form and we get (683 13/20) <--- Final Answer
x = -2 y= -8 and 8
Step-by-step explanation:
Since there is an equal number of y's, they cancel out when subtracting. You can put either equation on top. You will get same answer.
<u>To find x:</u>
<u>If you do (3x - 2y = 10) - (5x + 2y = 6),</u> you will get -2x=4. Divide both sides by -2, and get x = -2.
<u>If you do (5x + 2y = 6) - (3x - 2y = 10)</u>, you will get 2x=-4.Divide both sides by 2, and get x = -2.
<u>To find y:</u>
Substitute -2 for x in either equation. It doesn't matter.
<u>For 3(-2) - 2y = 10:</u>
3(-2) - 2y = 10 ––Multiply
-6 - 2y =10 ––Add 6 to both sides to get y alone
-2y = 16 ––Divide by -2
y = -8
<u>For 5x + 2y = 6:</u>
5(-2) + 2y = 6 ––Multiply
-10 + 2y = 6 ––Add 10 to both sides to get y alone
2y = 16 ––Divide by 2
y = 8
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x = 5.25
Step-by-step explanation:
35 + 7 = 42
6x + 2x = 8x
42 / 8x = 5.25