So in a way, manifest destiny does still happen in today's world in the United States.
Although it may not be exactly like the one we thought about in history class, it is still a very similar concept, that some people today would even call it manifest destiny.
The effect that the Gero Crucifix had on Medieval German art would be how uniquely it portrays Christ in it such that it serves a monumental work of Christ compared to its earliest depictions before. It focused more on the image of the 'suffering Christ' on the cross.
In the Middle Ages and early modern era, religious antagonism towards Europe’s Jews resulted in anti-Jewish legislation, expulsions, and violence. In much of Europe, government policies, customs, and laws segregated Jews from the rest of the population, relegated them to particular jobs,and prohibited them from owning land.
General Robert E. Lee, the Confederate commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, invaded Union territory in an attempt to persuade the United States into a negotiated peace after a hoped-for decisive and damaging attack on Northern soil. It was also believed that a notable Southern victory in Union territory might have resulted in financial support and recognition of the Confederate cause from England or France. General Lee's first invasion of the North, which took place in Maryland during September of 1862, was repulsed by Union forces at the Battle of Antietam, but it was followed by a second invasion by Lee into Pennsylvania during the months of June and July in 1863.
The southern part of China and its northern part are total contrasts when it comes to the climate. The southern part is coming out on sea, and it is on lower latitude. Because of this, this part of China is covered with tropical vegetation, having a wet and dry seasons. The temperatures are mostly over 30 C degrees, the precipitation is very high when the monsoons are wet, and almost totally absent when the monsoons are dry. The northern part, on the other side, is far away from the sea, and it is also on higher elevation. This part is also on higher latitude. The landscape is dominated by desert and semi-desert. The precipitation is very low because this part is not reached by the moisture from the sea, and it is heavily influenced by the continental air masses. This results in very high temperatures in the summer, exceeding 35 C degrees, and very low temperatures in winter, going below -40 C degrees.