D.) citizens have the right to choose weather or not they whish to vote
I think the answer is visual learning
From historic empires to diverse nation-states to a multicountry union, the continent struggles to confront the cultural forces that unite and divide it. The powerful impact European colonialism has had on the world since the Industrial Revolution is still felt today. The rural-to-urban shift prompted by the Industrial Revolution first impacted Europe and continues to impact developing countries. Understanding the geographic region of Europe is essential to understanding our world. This short summary of the basic concepts will provide a valuable lesson in globalization, which affects every human being on the planet. The concepts and principles that apply to Europe can also apply to other countries and regions.
Chain migration is the social process by which migrants from a particular town follow others from that town to a particular destination, it assures that the mover is part of an established migrant flow from a common origin to a prepared destination,the prepared destination may be in another country or in a new location within the same country
Step migration involves the place transition from, for example, rural to central city residence through a series of less extreme locational changes, from farm to small town to suburb, and finally to the major central city itself